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Saturday, January 7, 2012



My first attempt of a Rosca de Reyes for my little man who always ends up at the ER when he eats one. He loves them though, so I made a small homemade (very different) version for my love and decided to give it an extra touch, a twist, per say... hmmmm... how about some shredded finger?! Awsome idea!
While I was at it I dove right into baking the whole morning through and made my cookies as well.

Mi primer intento de Rosca de Reyes para mi hombrecito que siempre termina en la sala de urgencias cuando las come. Pero ama la rosca, asi que hice una versión casera (y bastante diferente) para mi amor y decidí añadirle un toque diferente, por decirlo de alguna forma... esteeee... ¿¡que tal un poco de dedo rayado!? ¡que idea tan increíble!
Ya que andaba en esas opté por invertir mi mañana en hornear e hice mis ricas galletas también.






Little G and her long awaited wooden food and beverage set

La pequeña G y su tan esperada despensita de madera



Big G and his new chinese checkers and chess set

El gran G y su nuevo juego de ajedrez y damas chinas




1 comment:

  1. that looks so delicious! I love to bake! I just found your comment friend! What sweet words! I am proud you do not listen to others suggestions...I have heard the same myself...share..it is what we as mothers were created to do...teach and share and love! We are in the same season, and I too am grateful for you! If it were not for these two blogs that we speak openly through...we would have never crossed paths...there is so much to be grateful for here!
